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The Airfields - Stage 2

Top Garden Property Development Ltd


Top Garden Property Development Ltd
February 2019
Dempsey Wood

Available on request


The Airfields project is a 20-hectare site located within the Hobsonville Precinct on Auckland’s North Shore.

The site was being subdivided into 5 Mega-lots between the two build partners, Top Garden Property Development (Avanda Group) and Panuku Development Auckland.

The project entailed the construction of two primary roads and one secondary road to facilitate the Mega-lot subdivisions.

Furthermore, in addition to the original scope the subdivision of Mega-lot 2 into 3 Super-lots had been incorporated into the project.
The additional scope entailed 21’000m3 mass earthworks, full internal reticulations of roads and services to 102 individual lots.

Previous bonded road reserves along existing Peihana & Glidepath Road were also completed to service the Mega-lot 2 subdivision.

The project was funded by both stakeholders which resulted in complex cost reporting.

Cuesko’s role on the project was to provide full quantity surveying services from inception through to completion.

The challenges on the project included:

• Multiple stakeholders with varying cost share calculations for the project costs
• Unforeseen ground conditions and contamination
• Service provider delays and additional requirements

The project was completed below the estimated and budgeted cost.