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Wynyard Bus Depot Redevelopment

Infratil Infrastructure Property Limited


Infratil Infrastructure Property Limited

Available on request


The master planning and feasibility phase of this project commenced in 2015 and it involves the redevelopment of the existing bus depot located on Halsey Street within the Wynyard Quarter Precinct in Auckland’s CBD which is currently undergoing a significant transformation.

The project investigated the staged building and relocation of the existing bus operation whilst allowing construction of new buildings to progress. The first stage of the project is the construction of a seven level car park with ground floor speciality retail / hospitality, relocated bus office and the car park building is sleeved by a 120 bed hotel building and a seven level commercial building.

The overall project is circa 90,000m2 GFA on an existing site area of 16,800m2 comprising six buildings varying between five and thirteen storeys with mixed use activities and public laneways and open spaces.

Cuesko’s role on the project is preparing estimates for the feasibility master planning phase, Stage 1 design phase cost estimates, procurement, tender negotiations.

The challenges on this project include:
• Contaminated site
• Dispute between leasehold and freehold entities
• Confined site with maintain full bus operations during project